LiveOps Team

July 18, 2023

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Calling all KMON fans and competitors around the globe - the time has finally come. All of your training,  Game Nights, Challenge-a-Friend matches, and hard fought battles brought us to this moment! Are you ready for the next, exciting step in your journey as a Kryptomon Trainer? Now is the time to dive straight into our newest and most competitive game mode to date: KMON Sit & Play Tournaments. 

KMON Sit & Play? What’s that? Well, it's a shorter, faster and more competitive way of playing KMON than ever before. It is the Alpha version of our upcoming official tournaments. Multiple 8 player closed events for our beloved trainers all over the world. Unlike Gamenights, they take place on a specific day for an hour and a half.
They are the first KMON events with an entry fee in $KMON from participants, creating the most rewarding format you guys have ever seen!

Our progress through the Game Nights have given us the  possibility to compete in different levels, with different rules, varying prizes and endless surprises. This path has set the perfect foundation to kickstart our next big project. KMON Sit & Play Tournaments will thus include events based on all our competitive ranks, with and without the use of Armor/Battle Consumables add-ons and varying entry fees in $KMON. So get your Kryptomons ready as it is your turn to battle!

Stay tuned to learn how to fill out the registration form as soon as it becomes available. We will be using Telegram, Discord, TrainerHub and socials to keep everyone up to date.

With this testrun, we are exploring different formats and rules to see which work best and which you will love the most for our upcoming competitive KMON Tournaments.Once we have received 8 or more interested participants from the registration form, we will notify every tranche of 8 individuals informing them that they have secured a potential spot in the tournament. 

The Keyword here is fast: rapid tournaments, rapid registrations! Chosen participants will have a mere 24 hours to confirm their spot by sending their $KMON entry fee to our official Kmon dedicated tournament wallet. It's a race against time, and a test of dedication and determination for trainers around the world. Are you ready to rise to the challenge?

Join us as we introduce KMON Sit & Play tournaments, where your Kryptomon team will compete in epic battles and stand against the world. Don't miss out on the chance to be a part of the inaugural edition on August 5th, 2023. Who will be the first player to live the thrill of victory in KMON Sit & Play?

Stay tuned for more updates and information on all our channels. The battles will soon begin!


LiveOps Team

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